1. DRIVING SPOT RENT A CAR here by, rents to the undersigned renter. The vehicle described on the first page of this agreement. The terms and conditions contained in this agreement have been read and accepted by the signed renter.
2. Only the person/s referred to in the agreement will be permitted to drive the vehicle/s.
3. The renter conforms here by, that before taken delivery of the vehicle(s) he has examined it and found it without any defects, except those shown on the remarks (first page).
4. The renter agrees to take care of the vehicle, checking oil, water, tire pressure and all the necessary for the good maintenance of the vehicle even it is not in use.
5. The renter who wishes to remove the vehicle from the island has to have written concert from the owner.
6. The renter will return the vehicle concerned with all tools, accessories and equipment to DRIVING SPOT RENT A CAR station in the place where the vehicle was rented or as otherwise specified on the undersigned pages of the agreement. Prolongation of rental period is under the lessor’s approval. Every hour in excess is calculated at ¼ renting of the daily rate.
7. In case of breakdown or mechanical damage the costumer is responsible for transporting the vehicle back to the store. If it is not possible then the store should be informed of the exact location and will arrange collection for which the costumer is obliged to pay. The costumer will also be charged for any damage occurring to the vehicle(s) including punctures.
8. The hirer being responsible for an accident or damage to the vehicle must pay to the lessor the corresponding daily agreed amount for the days the vehicle is immobilized.
9. All fines and court costs for parking, traffic or other legal violations assessed against the vehicle renter during this agreement are at the renters expense.
10. The lessor reserves the right to the reposses the vehicle at any time without notice, at the costumer’s expense, if vehicle is used in violation of this agreement.
11. Only the persons referred in the agreement will be permitted to drive the car. The car will not be operated : a) for paid transportation b) to propel or low any vehicle or transport c) in any case speed test or contest d) by any person under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics e) to carry passenger in excess of the respective sitting capacity f) on other than a paved road or public highway g) by any person without lessor’s prior permission h) by someone less than 23 years of age, or a disqualified or unlicenced driver.
12. DRIVING SPOT RENT A CAR or its branches are not able to the renter or the passengers for any kind of incovenience caused through mechanical break-downs or accidents.
13. Our cars are covered against ability and third parties ( including passengers in our vehicles) for death, injuries or damage to properly, according to insurance rules and regulations. Full insurance is available with an extra charge. Our insurance does not cover theft. The renter will be charged for the vehicle or its parts in the event of theft. Coverage is not provided : a) if any unauthorized driver is driving the renter car b) for death injury or properly damage caused to the driver of the car and his party c) for damage loss or theft of baggage and other properly found in the car.
14. Parking or waiting along Naxos Town seaside road is prohibited at any time. Please use free parking areas.
15. In case of difference between the contracted parties the Hellenic courts only will have the jurisdiction.
16. Only 4/5 persons allowed to be in the vehicle. Vehicles allowed to be driven only on paved roads (except 4×4). Any kind of vehicles should not be driven in sand, on the beach & in dry lakes.
17. There is no insurance coverage if the driver if the driver is under the effect of alcohol, any kind of drugs or in case of traffic rules violation ( speed, limit e.t.c.¬)
18. Νo money is paid back in case of returning a vehicle before completing the rental period.